Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life...Back to Normal

We are finally back to the calm of our everyday life now that the holidays are over. (as calm as you can get considering my 2 rambunctious kiddos) We seemed to have survived our first holiday season as a family of 3. We were crazy busy, had a lot of time with family, and friends, and Christmas parties, and shopping, and work. It seemed to fly by pretty quickly, and didnt give us a chance to focus on what wasnt there. Bittersweet, but none the less, my favorite time of year. The girls got more than they ever could have dreamed of. The look of joy in thier eyes as they opened thier gifts was enough to make me forget all the bad.
My work schedule is finally back on track. Between November and now, we had 5 days off, plus the time I had to take off because we were sick. Our life is a little chaotic without a schedule, so its nice to have it back.

The girls went to the dr the other day for physicals, something thier daycare requires. Emma, at 4 years and 3 months old, is 40 inches tall and 37 pounds. She seems to be loosing weight instead of gaining. Shes lost about 5 pounds in 5 months. Her doctor doesnt see it as an issue at this point though. Mady at 2 years and 4 months old is 34 1/2 half inches tall and 32 pounds. She seems to be growing just fine. She is getting a little taller and starting to loose her baby fat :( Both of them had to get shots, Emma 2 and Mady 4. I had to work, so Grandma and Daddy took them. I got there just as they were walking out to leave, so for once, mommy got to be the saving grace instead of the bad guy lol.

Is anyone else excited about The Bachelor and American Idol starting again?! We are all extremely happy the new seasons started. Yes, Im probably a dork lol. Emma and I have watched both since she was about 3 months old. That was our cuddle time. We would get in our jammies and cuddle up in the recliner with a blanket and watch them. Now, 2 kids later, all 3 of us still do the same thing. We make sure all of our chores are done in time to sit and watch them cuddled up on the couch. Its fun to see them just as excited as me lol. Though they enjoy American Idol a lot more than the Bachelor. Maybe I have future super stars in the family :)

Nothing else super exciting has been going on. Emma seems to be getting over her pheumonia, though I am getting ANOTHER cold. My plan is to just go through the whole winter season sick and miserable lol. Hope everyone enjoys the heat wave coming our way next week!

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