Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Running in place

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work at something, it doesnt make a difference? This applies to many aspects of my life. From cleaning (The 1 load of laundry I just did, magically produced 3 more needing done) to personal matters (relationships with friends, family, and my faith). Eventually, all the time and energy Ive invested, is thrown out the window because it gets so overwhelming, I just give up. This is a constant struggle for me. But Ive really been working at not letting it happen.
Ive always heard that Sagittarius' are known for being optimistic. And 5 years ago, i can say that I looked at everything as the glass is half full. Its a great way to pursue life, but not realistic. Now Ive kind of learned to just call things for what they really are. It seems to make everything easier to accept. Not having any expectations=no hard feelings in the end. And this doesnt mean that I dont enjoy things or am "debbie downer" I think its my way of LETTING myself enjoy life without that voice in the back of my head telling me its just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down. But I think there are concequences to my way of thinking. Am I holding back when I do this? Am I really allowing myself to be completely and 100% happy? Because, sometimes, even with my new outlook, at the end of the, I still feel slightly empty.
Im famous for telling people "God wont give you more than you can handle" or "Give God your worries and He will take care of them for you" Sometimes I wonder why I dont follow my own advice. The words are very true, and I know this :) Its my inner control freak taking hold of me I think. Its just been one of those days. lol. I blame it on the time change and it being Monday.

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