Monday, March 15, 2010

Playing catch up

2 months later, I think its time to fill you in on my Church happenings :p

I really got a lot out of our NPCU wednesday night class. I missed a couple classes though so I am retaking it the second time. I also dont think I opened up as much as I could have, mainly because Kanens mom was my group leader. A lot of my issues either involve her, or she is directly associated with them. So I am really looking forward to going through all of it again with a chance to really use the tools that are given to me. I am also one of the group leaders for the women this class, I am so excited to have that opportunity, and hopefully do my job of making everyone feel welcome and comfortable to open up.

Our wednesday night group of women that have continued to meet, has been so amazing. They are all such wonderful ladies! I have been really blessed with a great support system. We have a blast together, and its so nice to just be able to vent and talk about your problems without anyone judging you. Each and every one of them is genuine when they listen and offer support. Its a great thing! I hope they realize how much having them around means to me!

I am still volunteering in the nursery. It gives me my baby fix lol. I am also starting to train for team leader this Sunday, which Im very happy about!

Our Church has this amazing outreach program called 2nd saturday. They go out into the community to help fight "Global Giants" Disease, Poverty, Illiteracy, and Spiritual Emptiness. Its incredible what gets accomplished on these days. The past Saturday, they invited women from The Family Violence Center, Aids Project of the Ozarks, and single and widowed moms from the community for a day of pampering and beauty. At first, I volunteered to help, but NPC staff brought it to my attention that this day was for me too :) So me and the girls got to join in the fun. I got my hair and makeup done. The girls and I had a fun photo shoot, we had brunch, and there was even a carnival for the girls. It was a great time. And to see all the women there, with thier children, looking beautiful and feeling special was a really moving experience. Its crazy to think such a small gesture as making a mom feel like the center of attention for one day, can have such an impact on her. And for one day, no one was judgemental, or mean, or hurtful towards them. I could over hear stories of heartbreak and hurt they were telling thier "host". And how great they thought it was that a church would open thier doors to people society has cast out and make them feel welcome. It made me so proud to be part of such an amazing day, and such an INSPIRATIONAL and INTENTIONAL Church. Thank you North Point for allowing me to be part of a life changing day!

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