Saturday, August 7, 2010

My walls are 10 feet high

I seriously have been slacking big time!
The girls and I have been having an amazing couple of weeks. Despite the occasional cranky day. The fair is in town. And in Springfield, MO...this is a big deal. I won some free tickets fromthe radio station when I went to the Carrie Underwood concert. And one day during the week, they have free ride day, so we took full advantage of some cheap entertainment. My mom and step dad and little sister went with us. It was beyond hot. Miserably hot. Heat and I.....well, lets just say we arent the best of friends. 500 bottles of water, the farris wheel, 1 spinning ride that possibly is causing me a slow and painful death, cotton candy, corn dogs, pictures on the newspapers website, 12 failed attempts at balloon darts, dizziness from the heat, and an ouchie on the foot of a very tired little girl....Id say it was a very fun day to experience with the girls. They had a blast. And no matter how much I was hating the heat, it was all worth it to see them have such a good time and experience something brand new.
I got my hair cut thursday. I think I like it. Its cute and a lot easier to deal with since I had it thinned. I had to cut it all one length since my last hair cut was short in back and long in the front. It was growing back kinda funny. As much as I hated to loose what little length I was getting back, it still looks good. And for the first time in forever, I wore my hair curly....which is my natural "hair" I never like it, but it was cute...for one day lol.
I had my 3rd interview at Teletech a week ago. It went great, and after an emailing saying "we want to continue the hiring process with you" Im thinking good things. All I am waiting on now is a training class to start. Then Im in! An employed woman again. This whole process has been a "hurry up and wait" game. Im glad to have some kind of hope at the end of a very troubling journey of patience lol. Keep your fingers crossed it ends well!

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