Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time for changes

So. Now must be the time in my life when Im realizing exactly where I am and who I am. Because I have been motivated to change all of the things Ive been putting off for a long time.
Last week, last tuesday to be exact (1/4/11) my friend convinced me to start the atkins diet with her. She has been doing it for a little over a month and has been incedibly successful. Ive watched her lose and know it works. So i got my mom convinced to do it with me. We cook together and eat together since Im here, so I thought it would be easier if she was on board too. She was game. So we have been super dedicated and diligent. I figured it would be hard, and Id feel like I was missing food and hungry all the time, but its actually been pretty great. In 1 week, I have lost 12 pounds. Hello!!! 12 pounds! Thats incredible! I never stick with anything, let alone follow any kind of a diet, so this is HUGE for me. Seeing that I am losing makes me even more dedicated to sticking with this and doing it. My goal for 1 month is 20 pounds, I am already over halfway there :) My overall goal is 50 pounds. I can so do this!
I sat down and did a budget so I can start looking for a place to move to. I do this so I know what I can comfortably afford. Turns out, I cant comfortably afford much of anything. at least the price I can afford, wont give me much for a family of 3. I have a pretty good job, but my monthly income just isnt enough to cover rent, daycare, utlitities, insurance, phone bills, food, ect. So today, I made the decision that a 2nd job is the way we can accomplish getting out of my parents house, having a house of our own, and getting ahead in life. I work 4 10 hour days at my job now, so i am off 3 days, and still have time after I get off to possibly work for a few hours at night. I have considered a 2nd job several times, but never really made the decision to do it. Lets face it, I will have to sacrifice alot. I will have to sacrifice time with my kids, days off, time to relax....but in return, we will get our life back. We will have a home we can be proud of, we will have stability, and for once, I just may not have to struggle so much. and to me, thats all going to be worth it.
Change used to scare the crap out me. I was settled into a familiar way of life, and anything outside that little life, was forgein. In the past couple of years, I have been yanked out of that life and forced to deal with change head on. So now, after dealing with change, after change, after change that was not by choice, I am making changes on purpose because I can :)