Monday, December 13, 2010

To keep the momentum going

Can I just say that even though its only been 4 months since I posted anything, it feels like 4 years?? Thats how much has happened, and I feel like I can either tell you everything, or just a few things. So tonight, I feel like the latter.
I did in fact get the job at TeleTech. I didnt start until September. Yes. A month after I was hired, I finally started. Unreasonable hire time if you ask me, but Im not complaining. Im thankful to have a job, and a pretty good one at that. I have a pretty good schedule. 4-10 hour days. I work monday, wednesday, thursday and saturday. Even though my days off are split, its nice.
The one major life event thats happened in the past few months is quite dramatic. So, we lived in the ghetto in Springfield. As ghetto as you can get in this town. We were there for over a year, and never really had any problems. Until the very end I guess. There were some strange things go on. People would knock on my door late at night and be looking in my peephole when I went to look out. Creepy. Random people were asking me for stuff. And the icing on the cake was when a fight ended up in my living room. Not by choice. (I feel it neccessary to point that out) I was in bed, and woke up to pounding on my door. I look out my peephole and see a man beating the crap out of someone on the ground. I get on the phone with 911, and I guess the guy heard me because I was at my door trying to decribe him as best I could from the tiny hole in my door that makes you look like a figure from those mirrors in a fun house. He ran off pretty fast. I told the 911 operator that he left, and (tell me if you see the problem with this next sentence) she has me open my door to make sure the person on the ground is ok. Me. a single woman, alone with 2 kids, with God knows what laying outside my front door. In retrospect, I can see this was not a wise choice, but at the time I just did as i was told. When i cracked my door, a woman was on the ground with another man. They come barreling through my front door to my living room. Getting blood everywhere. Ran to my kitchen (yes, they knew right where my kitchen and sink was without having to ask) all the while, yelling and screaming, and pacing through from my living room to the kitchen. The police show up several minutes later. They have these people sit on my furniture to inspect them. Im trying to tell them they dont live with me and I dont want them in my house, and at that point I was informed that they couldnt move them until they knew they were stable. :/ After a scared little girl woke up, and several explanations of my story later, the people leave. They were in fact arrested because of some reason that was never released to me. And Im home, by myself, with blodd stained carpet, and terrified to sleep because the man that was beating them up heard me on the phone with the police. The next day, I made arrangements to move out. Some people thought that was a little drastic, but my reality is not just a story. It actually happened. In my home. In front of me, and put my 2 little girls lives in jeopardy. So we moved throughout the week. I had no where to go. I just started a new job. Had no money saved because it was all gone due to being unemployed for so long, and didnt have a clue as to where to even attempt to look for a place under such short notice. So. Here I am. And by here I am, I mean, at my parents house. Still. 2 months later. Id save money to move, but we are at the holidays and I pay over $420 a month for daycare. (which is another story in itself) I couldnt afford to live by myself now even if I did save up. Month to month, we wouldnt make it. So I guess, us being here and how we got here, is one of those blessings in disguise. But geez, does it really take all that!?
So, with the job and long days, and being at my parents, its taken a little to settle into a new routine. And we are still far from anything that resembles a smooth schedule. The motto of my life is "A life without chaos is no life at all" True. Story. But, the girls absolutely L-O-V-E being with thier grandparents. I may hate not being on my own at the moment, but I cant deny how much help my family has been, especially my mom. Shes amazing in every sense of the word.
Time flies every day, especially on my days off. Im ready for the point where everything slows down. Any day now :)
~Holy Holy Holy, is the Lord God Almighty. Who was and is and is to come. With all creation I sing. Praise to the King of Kings, You are my everything and I will adore You.
Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of Your name. Jesus Your name is power, breath and living water, such a marvelous mystery.~ Kari Jobe-Revalation Song

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