Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Couldnt have picked a better day for things to go crazy

It has been one of those days. My children have been absolute monsters, in every aspect of the word. They have been hateful, whiney, and down right defiant with me. I havent been any better. Ive been short tempered and irritable today. Everything seems to annoy me. Im pretty sure someone told me it was a full moon Im going to blame it on that.

I was so ready to get to church tonight, and honestly, just so I could have an hour without my kids....sounds bad huh.
Class tonight was step 4...taking a personal moral inventory. Boo! Who wants to sit down and put on paper all your faults??? Not me thats for sure. Especially with the mood Ive been in today. Not fun. I assume this step will take me a while to do, just like the forgiveness one. Good thing its on my time...... After our video, we break into our small groups, just like always. I was so detached from what we were talking about in class, I didnt even know what we were supposed to be talking about. Not my best moment as a small group leader. Thank goodness I have a wonderful group of understanding women. We seemed to all survive and make it through discussion ok though. It amazes me how willing I am to talk about things with these people I just met 3 weeks ago. Some of the things I hear myself say, my own family doesnt know I struggle with. I must be crazy. We get off topic alot....probably because Im the group leader lol. But the compassion and honesty that goes on in our little 30 minute class is like nothing Ive seen before. I went in there today with zero intention of participating, I was just there to fill a seat tonight. But the minute we started talking, I threw that thought right out the window. And after class was over, I went to pick the girls up from nursery. They were still high strung and wild, but I was definately a different person from the one who dropped them off an hour before.
I am glad today was such a rough day for me. I dont think if it wasnt, I would be able to realize how wonderful this class and these people really are. Its so easy for me to go through the motions because Ive done it before. Im not sure I took it again with the intentions of getting more out of it. I mean, theres nothing there I havent already heard. I was just excited to be able to help other people learn about this process and see how great it is. But I can see now, that its definately the other way around. These people are helping me work on myself even more than I did the first time around. :)

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