Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pretty sure what I do isnt called praying

I have been praying my entire life. It all started with bedtime prayers...Now I lay me, down to sleep. Such a sweet innocent prayer. I didnt even know the meaning of it when I was little. My girls say the same prayer every night before bed. I can pray like theres no tomorrow for other people. Lead my womens group in prayer with no problem. But to actually sit down and pray for myself.....well thats another story. I seem to struggle with the format "Dear God, Amen". I find myself going on and on and on....and never really getting anywhere. So I gave up on formal praying. Its so much easier and fulfilling for me just to have daily ongoing conversations with God. And it helps remind me that God is present in everything I do. I can better deal with things at that very moment, than have to wait til later when I can bring it up again. I never really paid attention to how often I do this during the day, until recently. I like how easy it is for me, and how I do it without thinking. I think I can be more honest when talking to God this way, and more honest about asking for help and admitting when Ive done something wrong. My days are pretty long, and usually very much event-filled, so I cant imagine having to keep all of that bottled up for one prayer a day. If you know me at all, you know how long my list of "please forgive me's" is at the end of the day.....Not how I would want to recap my day if I have a choice lol. I think this has been on my mind a lot lately because I saw "Letters to God". Which, by the way, if you havent seen this movie, you need to. Its probably a good idea to bring a few tissues...or a whole box. On the website for this movie, they have a section where you can write your own letter to God. To thank Him, ask for His forgiveness, speak His praise, ask Him for help, guidance, love ect. I read through a few. Some super short, some kinda long. I thought it would be kind of nice to write out what I have to say. So I began my letter to God. Before I knew it, my "letter" had taken the shape of a full on short story. Who knew I had so much to say to God in one sitting. I know Im a pretty talkative person, but really? Im thankful that I know He never gets tired of hearing me. Any normal person woulve checked out of my conversations after the first round. Seeing, on the screen, in black and white, how much I need God everyday, makes me feel really lucky. Im lucky I have someone who listens to me whole heartedly, who does not judge me, who doesnt write me off because of the mistakes I make, who is always there for me no matter what, and who wants the very best for and from me. Its a pretty great thing...

1 comment:

  1. You got it girl! That's what you're supposed to do! TALK, OUTLOUD! Anywhere, anytime...even kicking and screamin'! He's always listening...we only need to think it, and HE KNOWS IT! HE IS all the time, not just when we look him up....congrads my dearest; you are found!
